Sunday, November 30, 2014

Change of Seasons

As Thanksgiving weekend and Autumn come to an end I can't help but look back on this past season and recall fond memories: A weekend getaway in Vermont with Neil, kayaking with my mom, a college tour with Alison, and the start of a new hockey season for Matt. As we transition into winter many people dread the upcoming cold, snow and quietness. I don't feel that way. I know that this time of rest is needed to bring forth the joys of spring; the hope of new life, crocuses popping up to make us smile, and the smell of fresh spring air. As the first Sunday of Advent it is also a time for hope. This morning our pastor described "Hope" as " the light for people in deep darkness. Jesus is light. Jesus is hope.". As we move toward this Christmas season I encourage you to look for the light, look for the hope, and remember the reason we are celebrating this season of joy and anticipation.

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